The REAL French Toast
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Pain perdue - or lost bread in French - is a very old recipe hailing from France. When food budgets were tight, people got creative and made use of things that people today would normally throw out. Take stale bread for example. What really could you do with it? Well why not make the most amazing breakfast dish?
The key to this recipe is really the bread. I like to use thick slices of brioche that I leave out on the counter for a couple days. But really, you could use any type of bread, you just want to make sure it's completely dry throughout. When you're ready to cook, the dry bread gets a quick soak in milk, followed by a dip in beaten egg. Finally the bread is cooked in a caramel. The egg makes the outside crispy while the milk gives the inside a lucious custard consistency.
Trust me - you're going to want to make it right away!
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